Last night I tried something totally different. I went to a friends Boot Camp ! I have been on a committed health plan for about 37 days and really wanted to try something fun and crazy. I actually made it through an HOUR of cardio, weights, butt, abs and stretches. Ummm HELLO if you would of asked me a year ago if I would envision myself in workout clothes, moving the way I was last night.......what would I have said...NO WAY JOSE !!!!! The instructor is a friend of mine and we had already talked about modifications that I could do in case I wasn't ready for a specific move. My heart rate was up, I was sweating and I'm sure when people drove by they looked in and saw us all grooving to the "Vampire Play list" I really didn't care what people thought. There were all levels of fitness there. I was there to really see if I could survive a whole hour and if I could do it. The whole way home I was fighting back the tears. To some people this might not seem like a big deal....but to me I felt like I just succeed at something that was unattainable for a long time.
Growing up my mom was very protective of me. In many ways I can look back
and so appreciate that. She never wanted me to get hurt and that included sports. I know this will sound kinda crazy but she really thought that if girls did to much they could "strain their ovaries" and never provide grand kids to her one day. I'm not sure where she came up with this ,but that t
urned into a running joke at our house but something she did kind of believe in. I was allowed to swim and play tennis. Now if she was here right now she would say "Well you never asked to try anything else" and that could be very true. I believe as a parent we have to push our kids a bit (In ever direction sports, music, arts, education) to see what they really take to. If I would of never signed Lexi up for swimming I would never know she had a knack for the BUTTERFLY and was driven to beat her own time each and every race. Same with Wolfie and karate and his other sports. TRY it all and see what you LOVE and feel good doing !!!!!!
She didn't even want me to have a bike. She was away at a church conference one weekend and my dad bought me the most AWESOME banana seat bike I had even seen. I rode all weekend
back and forth in front of our house and when my mom came home I could not WAIT to show her my new talent. Of course she was happy for me riding that bike with a huge smile on my face. Even though nervous of all the things my own kids would go on to try and do.....She was always proud of them and knew I loved exposing them to different things. (LOVE ya MOM!) As moms we try and do the very best we can do for our kids. I don't blame my mom or hold anything against her. She kept me safe and I owe so much to her !!! She made me who I am today and there isn't a day I don't wish I could pick up the phone and tell her about my kids achievements. She would of been laughing with me if I could tell her about me getting through boot camp last night.
I think that I was fearful of trying new things athletic as I grew into my teens, 20's and 30's. I might fail, hurt myself and look ridiculous. I don't want to feel like that anymore. I want to LIVE OUT LOUD and feel good about myself. I want to break the old running thoughts in my head and have new positive thoughts. Unless you have ever battled anything in your life all this might sound like crazy talk. Losing weight, getting into shape is one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. I have done it many times over......I want this time to be the LAST !!!!!
Do you want to join me on this journey ? I hope you will and we can do this TOGETHER !!!!!! I write this blog mostly selfishly in order to get all this out. It feels good to write it all down rather then keeping it all in my head. I hope I can inspire just one person to keep going, drinking that water, moving their body and not giving up. If you have read this far....thank you !!!!!
Growing up my mom was very protective of me. In many ways I can look back

She didn't even want me to have a bike. She was away at a church conference one weekend and my dad bought me the most AWESOME banana seat bike I had even seen. I rode all weekend

I think that I was fearful of trying new things athletic as I grew into my teens, 20's and 30's. I might fail, hurt myself and look ridiculous. I don't want to feel like that anymore. I want to LIVE OUT LOUD and feel good about myself. I want to break the old running thoughts in my head and have new positive thoughts. Unless you have ever battled anything in your life all this might sound like crazy talk. Losing weight, getting into shape is one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. I have done it many times over......I want this time to be the LAST !!!!!
Do you want to join me on this journey ? I hope you will and we can do this TOGETHER !!!!!! I write this blog mostly selfishly in order to get all this out. It feels good to write it all down rather then keeping it all in my head. I hope I can inspire just one person to keep going, drinking that water, moving their body and not giving up. If you have read this far....thank you !!!!!
Steph - I am so proud of you! I know how much out of your comfort zone it was to come and take class. I am excited that you pushed your body and showed it who's boss! I'm glad that you got a good workout and were able to modify to make it work for you. I can't wait for you to come again! Love ya!
Thanks Pinky !!!!!!!! I appreciate your support !!!!!! Your an amazing boot camp teacher !!!!!! ;)
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