1. What's your first name?
Mary Alice (Mar)
2. Why did you sign up for Quickerfit ?
I saw what fantastic results Stephanie was getting, and I could tell how much she loved it. I had to see what Quickerfit could do for me.
3. What part of Quickerfit are you working on ? Nutrition or Fitness ?
I'm working nutrition. I have a trainer here, and really need guidance on food.
4. What's your FAVORITE naughty food ?
Cookies. Without a doubt!!! Doesn't matter what kind, I love them all!!
5. What's the hardest part of re-vamping your nutrition and food choices?
I love food. I love to eat, my family loves to eat, and it always isn't the healthiest choice. So while I'm making them pasta and meatballs, I'm trying to stay healthier with my choices.
6. How does your family feel about the changes your making ?
They love it! It's only been a couple of weeks w/Quickerfit and already I'm getting compliments on how I look. Just what I wanted when I first contacted Eric!
7. How do you plan ahead for food emergencies ?
Before we go out, I always check the menu online to see what they have and what will be a good choice. I try to never get really HUNGRY because I know that's going to lead to problems.
8. Do you like to exercise ? What's your favorite way to burn calories ?
It's weird, but I love to exercise, once I start. It's getting me there to begin with! I can come up with ten excuses why I don't want to, but if I get my butt going, I love it!! My favorite so far is a boot camp class, but I used to spin and loved that too!
9. Do you have workout equipment at home ? If so what kind ? If not where do you workout ?
I have both an elliptical machine and a treadmill home, as well as a bunch of weights & balance ball. I alternate going to the gym to work with my trainer and working out here at home. I do a better job at the gym, but can't beat the convenience of being home.
10. Tell us a little bit about your family and daily life ! ;)
I'm a mom to 5 sons....ages from 28 to 15. Only the youngest is home full-time now, the second oldest is at college. So I guess you could say I'm semi-retired lol. My days are never the same, I don't really have a job, but I go to my husband's office now and then to help out (haha, shred, file, do the stuff nobody else wants to do), and then we'll go to lunch. We're in the process of planning the second wedding in two years, so this fall I'll be getting my second daughter!
11. What's your favorite thing to do in your spare time ?
I love being in the kitchen with my husband cooking.
12. What's your favorite word ?
Hmmmm, I don't think I have one?
13. How did you find out about Eric @ Quickerfit ?
From Steph. I took a chance and emailed Eric, not knowing what he could do for me, since I'm across the country.
14. How do you chart your progress ? Do you set goals for yourself?
Of course, I use the scale. But the scale isn't always a friend, when you're trying to add muscle at the same time you're losing fat. When I get discouraged I'll try on a pair of pants that I know didn't fit before. I do set goals and mini goals.
15. Tell us a little bit about what you really want to get out of this nutrition & fitness makeover and how you found yourself at this point.
When I started, I wanted to be "fit and fabulous at fifty" (this spring). As I'm getting older, I'm realizing that good nutrition and being fit is essential to a good life. I want to be able to move around and enjoy life with my family getting older, traveling more, having more free time. I realized that I didn't have as much energy and my clothes weren't fitting right and I just felt blah. So I knew I had to make a change, and make it a permanent one. Not some quick fix.
16. Tell us ONE random fact about yourself that we would never guess. ;)
I've lived in the Northeast my whole life, in the snow capital of the world, lol, and have never been on a pair of skis. Not downhill skis, not cross country skis, nothing. And I probably never will lol.
(A little bit about Mar and how I met her.......I have known her since the first AOL Message Boards back in 1995.......My son was an infant (He's 15 now) and I was home searching online for baby advice and help.......I came across a "SAHM" message board and there's a group of about 10 of us that still e-mail and keep in touch daily. We have gone through everything from grandchildren, graduation, marriages, death and so many things. Just knowing this group of woman are always there is so comforting !)
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