So for Valentines Day my hubby and kids got me this cool thing. I don't have the Official Nike shoes that have the pre-made holder for the sensor but that's okay. You can kind of rig it to work anyway. Nike also sells a pouch to attach to your shoe. It works on the newer iPODS, Touch and iPHONES. You put the sensor in your shoe, put the little white thing above in your iPOD and you are ready to walk or run. There are also certain machines at GYMS that are compatible with the devices and will track for you also. It let's you know how many calories you burn, how far you went, if you met your goal and much more. You can program it for an open-ended workout, times, distance, how many calories you want to burn. It calculates it all for you and then will SYNC with iTUNES and you can upload to your NIKE account. There are all sorts of fun training programs it will help you train for. I entered one that's like a Coach helping you along the way for beginning walkers that want to start running. Now I don't want to start running for the most part but I thought it would be fun to try.
You can also be friends with people (real life or other runners/walkers) at the Nike website and share and challenge your friends to do better !!! I hope some of my friends will get this and play along with me.
There's a voice that comes on and talks to you while your working out and once your almost done a crowd cheers !!!! I like knowing how many calories I'm burning and if I meet my daily burning goal. For the price ($29.00 for the sensor) it seems like a fun tool to just keep you motivated and moving right along.
What do you think ? Would you get one ?
Steph, just started reading your fitness journey blog. You have inspired me to take back control of my own health and fitness, Thank you!! Trying to be perfect has kept me from even trying lately....cause perfect is unreasonable. But you have motivated me to strive for health first,and fitness second. both together make a great team!
thank you, keep writting, we are out here following in your foot steps!! K.O. :)
Steph - I have one and love it! I had a few hiccups with figuring it out, but now I don't like to go for walks or jogs without it because it helps keep track of what I'm completing. Would love to connect on Nike with you - will have to look for you!
Keep up the hard work - you're doing amazing!
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